Online Bookshop

In our online bookstore, you can order titles published by, including books published in the framework of the Biennale Matter of Art. A complete overview of all publications including sold-out titles can be found here.

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Aleksei Borisionok & Katalin Erdődi (eds.) – Sowing Unrest

350 CZK

Shulamith Firestone – Airless Spaces

390 CZK

Tereza Stejskalová – Death of the Artist. Long Live the Helpers!

150 CZK

Sophie Lewis – Abolish the Family

320 CZK

Post-Colonial Theory I.–V.

999 CZK

Audre Lorde – Sister Outsider

350 CZK

Bára Bažantová, Michal Karvay - Hoří chemička, něco si přej

200 CZK

John Cage – Silence

1200 CZK

Atlas of Transformation

750 CZK

Bruno Latour – Tracing and composing worlds with Bruno Latour: Selected texts 1998-2013

290 CZK

Brian O'Doherty – Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space

230 CZK

Rado Ištok, Piotr Sikora, Renan Laru-an, Tereza Stejskalová (eds.) – Měkká místa

490 CZK

Rado Ištok, Piotr Sikora, Renan Laru-an, Tereza Stejskalová (eds.) – Soft Spots

680 CZK

Jiří Valoch – Enunciation of the Word Junk, 1970

12000 CZK

Lukáš Jasanský / Martin Polák – Untitled (from the cycle Colour Photography), 2010

5000 CZK

Lukáš Jasanský / Martin Polák – Untitled (from the cycle Fluxus), 1990

5000 CZK

Eva Koťátková – Pictorial Atlas of a Girl Who Cut a Library into Pieces, 2016

8000 CZK

Frantz Fanon – Black Skin, White Masks

175 CZK

Frantz Fanon – The Wretched of the Earth

280 CZK

Homi K. Bhabha – The Location of Culture (Post-colonial Theory III.)

440 CZK

Trinh T. Minh-ha – Odjinud, jež se nachází právě zde (Elsewhere, Within Here)

230 CZK

Post-Colonial Theory II.

270 CZK

Post-Colonial Theory IV.

290 CZK

Eva Koťátková – Pictorial Atlas of a Girl Who Cut a Library into Pieces. Institutional, Operational and Organisational Rules and Regulations 1961–1989

780 CZK

Jiří Kovanda – Action and Installation 2005-1976

550 CZK

Zbyněk Baladrán – Jiří Kovanda – The Nervous System

350 CZK

Jana Ševčíková, Jiří Ševčík – Texty [Writings]

360 CZK

Tereza Stejskalová, Vít Havránek (eds.) - Pojď blíž

390 CZK

Tereza Stejskalová, Vít Havránek (eds.) - Come Closer

490 CZK