Unhinged Set – 3 Books
This set comprises of the following titles (all Czech editions):
Shulamith Firestone – Dusivá místa (Airless Spaces)
Sophia Giovannitti – Pracující dívka: o prodeji umění a prodeji sexu (Working Girl: On Selling Art and Selling Sex)
McKenzie Wark – Raving
Three books torn from the chain. Autotheoretical and autofictional texts by Sophia Giovannitti, McKenzie Wark, and Shulamith Firestone reveal transformative aspects of life outside the conservative confines of contemporary Western society. What unites the authors and the books is not only the New York setting, but above all the search for inner freedom in a world that silences expressions of difference and the pursuit of self-determination. The discounted price of the package of three titles is 875 CZK, the original price is 1250 CZK.