Post-Colonial Theory Set
Editor: Vít Havránek
Language: Czech
Published by: tranzit.cz
Binding: paperback
Postcolonial theory has become an important framework for reflection and critique of the transformation of society and the world in the context of former empires and their colonies as well as the so-called Eastern Bloc. The publishing house of tranzit.cz has released all of the key texts of postcolonial studies in a single series. These texts have profoundly influenced contemporary thinking, especially regarding issues of decolonization. The four-volume bundle includes texts by Frantz Fanon, Homi K. Bhabha, Achille Mbembe, Edward W. Said, and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. The set is on sale at a discounted price, but all of the books can also be ordered individually.
This set comprises the following titles:
Post-colonial Theory II.
Homi K. Bhabha – The Location of Culture (Post-colonial Theory III.)
Post-colonial Theory IV.
Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth (Post-colonial Theory V.)