Matter of Art Ve věci umění

Raut #3: Nobody's Asked Us Yet

Gallery Guards, a Cashier, and a Wardrobe Attendant Discuss Their Jobs at a Prague Gallery

Please note that the podcast is available only in Czech.

26. 08. 2021
Podcast Audio Essential Workers Institutions

The third episode of Raut took us to the Prague City Gallery, where we met with the employees who look after the visitors and exhibitions there on a daily basis and found out what's going on in their lives. The amount of invisible work that goes on behind these projects is almost never talked about. The works of art are always at the forefront of public interest. Yet someone has to install the exhibitions as well as open, close, and clean up the galleries. Who are the essential workers of cultural institutions? What do they think about contemporary art? Why is their experience essential for the development of the art world? And what did they go through in the period when galleries were closed because of the pandemic?

The podcast is part of / Matter of Art project Centre and Periphery: Cultural Deserts in Eastern Europe supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (EEA Grants) as a part of the programme Culture. The series is supported by the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic. The main partner of is ERSTE Foundation.


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