Ke zdrojům! #6: The Foundation of the State
Leftists now want to take my grandmother and confiscate my children. Is that what they call progress?
The Czech edition of Sophie Lewis's book Abolish the Family has triggered a wave of criticism and shown that the idea of deconstructing the traditional family is painful for many. Finding alternative approaches will not be easy.
"The family is the reason we are supposed to want to go to work, the reason we have to go to work, and the reason we can go to work. It is, at root, the name we use for the fact that care is privatized in our society," says Lewis, revealing one of the aspects of family that masquerades as a social construct. Family, as a place of care, but also of oppression and entitlement to the lives of others, symbolizes the cluster of bonds we live with, which either suits us or not. And this mostly depends on the kind of family we are born into.
The podcast is produced by, an initiative for contemporary art, in collaboration with the online daily Deník Alarm. The series is hosted by Tereza Havlínková, the sound design is by Jonáš Rosůlek, the visual identity is designed by the studio Day Shift Office, and the producer of the podcast is Tereza Stejskalová from The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
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Ke zdrojům! #6: The Foundation of the State
19. 02. 2024