Ke zdrojům! #5: Sow and Reap
Decolonizing Reflections over a Cup of Cocoa
How is capitalism changing biodiversity and how does this relate to art? In the fifth episode of the podcast Ke zdrojům!, an artist, a curator, and a film scholar discuss why decolonial ideas are important in Czech society.
"For me, green colonialism is a term that signifies how capitalist politics and economics affect the growth of plants in the underlying matter, whether it's through the movement of soil, environmental changes due to plantations, or other effects," says curator Sara Märc. She has created a program in the ETC gallery that describes the history as well as the present of the world we share with slaves, cocoa trees, and wellies. Artist Barbora Lungová also comments on another part of the spectrum of green colonialism, namely the history of botanical gardens. "Botanical gardens were first founded in the sixteenth century, but their boom began in the seventeenth century. We are speaking of countries such as France and the Netherlands. The wealth of resources that they gathered from many different regions and habitats demonstrated their colonial power, while at the same time these were the first examples of bio-extractivism and bio-prospecting," says the artist in an essay entitled "Some Notes on the History of Botanical Gardens."
The podcast is produced by, an initiative for contemporary art, in collaboration with the online daily Deník Alarm. The series is hosted by Tereza Havlínková, the sound design is by Jonáš Rosůlek, the visual identity is designed by the studio Day Shift Office, and the producer of the podcast is Tereza Stejskalová from The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
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