Are artists precarized in Norway too?
Read a new series of texts Somewhere in Between: On the Challenges of the Artworld in Norway, which is the outcome of František Fekete's curatorial research into the Oslo art scene

The series seeks to answer these and other questions through interviews and essays by authors associated with the platform Verdensrommet, who in their work and activities thematize, explore, and question the existence of borders.
In the initial interview with artist, activist, and cultural worker Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez, Fekete discusses the founding of the Verdensrommet network and its role in addressing the structural challenges of integrating art students, artists, and cultural workers from non-EU countries into the Norwegian cultural ecosystem.
In her text A Fair Artistic System Can Only Exist If There Is a Fair System for All., Dora García challenges the notion of centers and peripheries and proposes to speak solely of zones of exclusion, where the majority of people remain.
Sarah Kazmi’s essay is based on an exploration of the often invisible territory between “center and periphery”—or rather between two places whose borders are controlled and politically semi-permeable.
The series is a part of the / Biennale Matter of Art project Center and Periphery: Cultural Deserts in Eastern Europe, funded by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (EEA and Norway Grants) in the program Culture.