Matter of Art Ve věci umění

Art Space Unlimited

Resilient communities at the forefront of contemporary art institutions

Art Space (Un)limited – Project seminar and debate, July 17, Centre for Contemporary Arts Prague (c) Tereza Havlínková

Five European non-profit art organizations have teamed up to learn from each other and find new ways to open up to audiences with limited access to institutionalized culture. Initiated by La Escocesa (Barcelona, Spain), OFF-Biennale Budapest (Hungary), < rotor > (Graz, Austria), Shtatëmbëdhjetë / Foundation 17 (Pristina, Kosovo), and / Biennale Matter of Art (Prague, Czech Republic), the project Art Space Unlimited builds upon the individual artistic and educational efforts of these institutions, providing space for local communities to gain resilience through participation in politically engaged exhibition programming and residencies. The art spaces involved will build shared knowledge and organize public events centered around the mediation of art. The project will help these institutions to become spaces relevant for an audience with limited access to institutionalized contemporary art and develop strategies which will be relevant across Europe. The project will culminate in a book that will be made available to cultural organizers and curators in six languages.

Art Space Unlimited meeting, Centre for Contemporary Arts Prague (c) Tereza Havlínková

While shaped by their local cultures, languages, and cultural policies, each of the five organizations employs different formats and strategies to engage with audiences as well as artists and the professional public, ranging from year-long exhibition programs and discursive events to concentrated biennial exhibitions to regular artistic residencies. The activities planned will allow them to expand their regular programming, helping the institutions to develop mediation programs based on empathy, participation, and mutual understanding.


Art Space (Un)limited: Seminar and debate on accessibility in art

17. 07. 2024 18:30
Creative Europe La Escocesa OFF-Biennale Foundation 17 cooperation

Mediation: The Great Land of Small Workshop #1 — creative program for children aged 9–14

18. 07. 2024 14:00

Mediation: The Great Land of Small Workshop #2 — creative program for children aged 9–14

29. 08. 2024 14:00

Mediation: The Great Land of Small Workshop #3 — creative program for children aged 9–14

15. 09. 2024 14:00

This is not baloney: Launch of children's newspaper

15. 09. 2024 14:00
The Great Land of Small children's editorial team city camp

This activity is a part of the project Art Space Unlimited co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.