We have launched an online bookshop
Order books from our publishing house tranzit.cz as well as one of the Biennale readers

(c) Jonáš Verešpej
The tranzit.cz initiative, which is the organizing body of the Biennale Matter of Art, has been publishing books for more than 20 years, and since this October readers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia can order our books online at knihy.matterof.art. You may choose from two dozen titles, such as Sophie Lewis's latest explosive manifesto, Abolish the Family, a complete edition of seminal texts in colonial studies, Bára Bažantová's writings from the Litvínov estate, or essays by African American poet Audre Lorde. More books will be added later. This year we will publish a critical essay by Tereza Stejskalová, Death of the Artist. Long Live the Helpers! and a Czech translation of Shulamith Firestone's short story collection Airless Spaces. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated and receive special member-only offers. By purchasing books directly from us you will support the activities of tranzit.cz and the Biennale Matter of Art