The publishing house presents four new titles

McKenzie Wark, Sophia Giovannitti, children's newspaper and the Biennale reader

McKenzie Wark – Raving (, 2024) – visualization (c) Tereza Hejmová & Jana Hrádková

During the fall of 2024, the will publish two new translations that present unique and intimate perspectives on life in New York City. Coming out on September 26, Raving by American cultural theorist McKenzie Wark is a probe into the local rave scene through a trans and queer lens. The book is now available on presale for a discounted price. In Working Girl, which will be out on December 4, artist Sophia Giovannitti captures her personal experience with sex work. also published the artistic and theoretical anthology Sowing Unrest, which develops the political and theoretical context of the Prague Biennale Matter of Art, and the children's newspaper Tohle nejsou blbosti (This Is Not Baloney), whose content was created by a collective of dozens of children from Prague and Ostrava. All titles can be ordered from the online bookstore

Sowing Unrest is the third volume of a series of anthologies of texts published on the occasion of each edition of the international contemporary art exhibition Biennale Matter of Art, organized by in Prague since 2020. The editors of Sowing Unrest are the curators of this year's Biennale, Katalin Erdődi and Aleksei Borisionok.

Children's newspaper Tohle nejsou blbosti (This Is Not Baloney) is a unique probe into children's dreams, ideas and opinions on contemporary art and everyday topics. The 40-page newspaper consists of interviews, drawings, paintings and more.

The books by Wark and Giovannitti are published by as part of the navigation series, which brings key texts of critical and feminist theory, philosophy, art theory and prose to the Czech language space. Texts by Sophie Lewis, Audre Lorde, David Graeber, Frantz Fanon, Bruno Latour and others have been published here.