Matter of Art Ve věci umění

Nolan Oswald Dennis & Zeynab Gueye: Guide Songs for Mud

21. 07. 2022 21:00 CAMP

Length: 30 minutes

Biennale Performance 2022 CAMP

The performance Guide Songs for Mud by Nolan Oswald Dennis is part of mud songs, a series of improvisational performances using video, sound and text to commune with, learn from and embody the radical formlessness and intimate erotics of mud. 

The practice of Nolan Oswald Dennis explores the material and metaphysical conditions of decolonization, questioning the politics of space and time through a system-specific rather than site-specific approach. Their practice recombines social, technical, political, and spiritual systems grounded in the planetary condition of landlessness and is guided by the overlapping theories and practices of black, indigenous, and queer liberation.

In collaboration with Zeynab Gueye

As part of the Biennale Matter of Art 2022, Nolan Oswald Dennis' installation Curriculum for Mud is on view at the General University Hospital.

Language accessibility: All languages
