Matter of Art Ve věci umění

< rotor >

The program of < rotor > Centre for Contemporary Art focuses on artistic works that explicitly deal with the social, political, ecological, and economic questions of the present day. It produces and presents mainly visual art, provides essential content for discussion, and mediates contemporary art to a broad public. Promoting cooperation and networked action are essential elements of the < rotor > philosophy. This concerns networking efforts within the art field but also means acting beyond the boundaries of art. The search for satisfactory methods of collaboration and possibilities of participation in artistic processes for the public in general or for specific target audiences is another main focus. For < rotor >, the public space is an important setting to make art happen. Leaving the boundaries of the art space actively brings people into contact with art and thus expands the audience. Since it was founded in 1999, < rotor > has maintained a dense network of organizations and artists in many European countries and beyond. Particularly strong ties have existed from the outset with Central and Southeastern Europe.

< rotor > center for contemporary art
Volksgartenstrasse 6a, 8020 Graz, Austria