Matter of Art Ve věci umění

Zorka Wollny: Midnight Mixtapes

06. 05. 2022 20:30 Divadlo X10

Length: 40 minutes

We Are All Emotional Festival

No one is satisfied with the current state of things, and we all strongly disagree. But however loud we express our dissent, things keep being implemented into our reality without mercy. We can protest, and we can demonstrate – we can sign a petition a day – but politics is out of our reach. The feeling of being help-less is an everyday experience for most. We can’t watch any more news, and we cannot talk about it anymore. We don’t even feel alone in our fears anymore as we are all emotional. We are all becoming hysterical, and it is the only way to be. However, it cannot last forever without turning into indifference.

How do we use this energy of emotions without burning ourselves? How many protest songs can one write?

Midnight Mixtapes is a compilation of fears, daily news, questions, and calming murmurs brought together by five per-formers. It is a dreamy state of mixed feelings…

December 2021

Artist: Zorka Wollny

Please note that the location for the performance has been changed and will take place on the 2nd floor of the Divadlo X10 building instead of the 4th floor.