Opening: Michal Karvay – Dyk more
The opening of the exhibition "Dyk more", which can be seen on Litvínov's poster columns from 4 to 24 October 2021, will take place on Saturday 9 October in the form of a joint walk. We will meet at 2:00 pm in front of the Libuše Neighborhood House. The posters can be seen at eleven locations in Litvínov and Janov.
"Michal Karvay's drawings illustrate his view of the Janov housing estate and the colorful world concentrated around the Villa Libuše, which stands opposite the primary school on Přátelství (Friendship) Street. Michal uses his thoroughly elaborated works to describe stories of magic, possible futures, and alliances that bring unusual stimuli and help formulate new ideas as well as ways of experiencing. He uses the simple black line of the marker, and in its directness presents the viewer with a surprisingly coherent mind map in which fantasy meets reality and desire sets the course. Whether it will come true is still in the stars." - Bára Bažantová
The author is a fifth-grade student at Janov Elementary School and a member of the local soccer team. The drawings were created during September 2021 as part of the participatory community program Mycelium.
Placement of poster columns with the exhibition*:
• Hamr – u budovy Středního odborného učiliště
• Chudeřín – křižovatka ul. Tyrše a Fügnera / U Bílého sloupu
• Janov – Přatelství
• Janov – Gluckova ul. u Bloku C
• Janov – konečná autobusu MHD
• Janov – Gluckova ul. u restaurace Permoník
• Mostecká 2021
• Podkrušnohorská u OC Máj
• Tylova ul. u bývalé Restaurace Pod lesem
• Ukrajinská ul. u Schola Humanitas
• Zámecká 827
The event is part of / Matter of Art project Centre and Periphery: Cultural Deserts in Eastern Europe supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (EEA Grants) as a part of the programme Culture.